For Immediate Release – June 17, 2015

[+] NURVA CORPORATION Unveils Next Generation Counter Improvised Explosive Device (C-IED) System

NURVA CORPORATION today announced today its latest development of its advanced war-fighter technology, the Next Generation Counter Improvised Explosive Device (C-IED) System [COUNTER-X®]

NURVA’S [COUNTER-X®] system brings to the war-fighter’s arsenal, the first of its kind ability to simultaneously monitor, detect and initiate countermeasures for any enemy IED weapon and configuration.

“There are many good solutions that focus solely on dealing with an IED threat once it is already in place and has been detected. As our team of engineers began to look at what we define as the "Threat Timeline", which travels through the Inception, Dormant and Detonation phases, it became clear that the true golden opportunity was in developing a system that directly addressed the root of the problem”, said Chadwick Fernandez, Director of Intelligence & Analytics,
NURVA Corporation.

[COUNTER-X®] represents an advanced technology system capable of detecting and countering the (4) distinct stages of an enemy’s deployment of an IED weapon:

[+] Stage 1 - Planning Stage
[+] Stage 2 - Placement Stage
[+] Stage 3 - Dormant Stage
[+] Stage 4 - Detonation Stage

[COUNTER-X®] System Specifications:

[+] Dispersal of (C-IED) Micro Units designed to blend into the monitored environment virtually indistinguishable from surroundings/substrate
[+] Through the dynamic use of micro RFID technology, electrometric and optical sensors, a visual representative grid of any area can be scanned and monitored to alert operators of the displacement of any surroundings/substrate and presence of IED weapon
[+] Presents a major tactical problem for enemy with placement of any IED weapon
[+] Disrupts the enemy’s entire spectrum of possible IED variations and organic design adaptability
[+] Increases war fighter’s confidence in ability of detection and subsequent countermeasure, reducing enemy’s ability to utilize IED weapon as a psychological tool of terrorism
[+] Disarmed IED weapon can be digitally tagged with exact coordinates for proper procurement and analysis by US military ordinance investigative units
[+] System components can be dispersed and retrieved for repetitive use

For more information:
Contact: Chadwick Fernandez,

NURVA Corporation is the leading provider of next generation technologies, systems and solutions which accelerate the mission critical objectives for government, military and private sector clients worldwide. Headquartered in Tampa, Florida, NURVA Corporation employs dynamic, forward thinking, and skilled experts in over 22 countries around the globe and an extensive global network of skilled talent and strategic partners in the military, defense, aerospace, intelligence, political and corporate sectors. Our dynamic portfolio of products and services includes defense systems, autonomous systems, surveillance, advanced electronics, space, cyber and intelligence.

For more information, visit

NURVA Corporation
Defense | Autonomous | Cyber | Intelligence
